Thursday, March 5, 2009

survival of smartest not fittest ( read this )

Do continue reading to the
end!.....It's a lesson to learn..................

I was walking through the supermarket to pick up a few things when I
noticed an old lady following me around. Thinking nothing of it, I
ignored her and continued on. Finally I went to the checkout line, but
she got in front of me.

"Pardon me," she said, "I'm sorry if my staring at you has made you feel
uncomfortable. It's just that you look like my son, who just died

"I'm very sorry," I said to her, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Yes," she said, "As I'm leaving, can you say 'Good bye, Mom?' It would
make me feel so much better."

"Sure," I said. An odd request, but no harm would come of it.

As the old woman was leaving, I called out, "Good Bye, Mom!"

As I stepped up to the checkout counter, I saw that my total was
"How can that be?" I asked, "I only purchased a few things!"

"Your mother said that you would pay for her," said the clerk.

pradeep hn

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This is to inform you all that the infinity club has been formed by 6th CS b sec boys. This club mainly focuses on an overall development of a student. It includes the activities like group discussion, seminors and other technical aspects .so interested ones can takepart and participate in this club..

club is FOR U, TO U , BY U

among u srinivasan jv